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Time for studies in English is approaching! We are ready to welcome Polish and foreign students to take
second cycle studies in February 2011. I asked prorector and pro-deans for education to give some
basic information to academic staff and students about studies in English.

Prorector S. Trzecieliński Prof. A. Glema

1. Why do you think studies in English are important 1. Why do you think studies in English are good for
for our students? Polish students? (what benefits can they get?).
There are at least two reasons to study in English. The first - it Studies in English are good for Polish students because they
favours the better recognition of the graduate by the inter- improve language skills in  professional and communication
national employers as the fact is evidenced in the diploma area. They provide direction to become the staff in interna-
supplement and partly also in the diploma (the name of the tional companies, partners in contract projects and in com-
specialization is written down in English preceding the Polish mon interaction in everyday activity.
name). This is especially important in the context of European They are also a point of reference in the process of interna-
Framework of Competences which stresses on comparabili- tionalization of education and culture exchange, to meet dif-
ty of students competences and skills across the European ferent systems of thinking, morality, education and life style,
countries. The second reason refers to improvement of pro- to bring people together.
fessional language by the students. Systematic lecturing and
reading the textbooks in English fasters development of the 2. Is Polish academic staff of your faculty well equip-
student professional English skills. ped with the knowledge of English?
Yes, staff of our faculty is quite well equipped with the know-
2. Should students be afraid of studying in English? ledge of English. They have participated in the preparation
There is no reason to be afraid of studying in English. My few courses “Communication in English”, “Written English” and
years experience gained at Corporate Management speciali- others. They have also been working in projects for prepara-
zation has shown that students who take the specialization in tion of educational materials and tools accompanied by lec-
English have enough general English abilities. Some of them turers of English language. Of course, with the first or second
speak even better than the teachers. cycle of delivering the lectures in English, there is a lot of work
and some mistakes are possible, but every month and year
3. How would you encourage students to begin 2nd the teaching experience is growing. They proof their ability to
cycle studies in English (in February 2011)? provide studies in English.
If you like challenges, if you like adventures, then studying
in English is something for you. Taking this option of study- 3. Have they participated in classes "Lecturing in En-
ing you participate in creating something new and become a glish" and "Written English", organized by Department
precursor of new “products” which in a few years will be in of Modern Languages, financed by "Era Inżyniera".
common use. Poznan University of Technology (PUT) is stron- Yes, they have, as it was mentioned above.
gly interested in extending the number and diversity of cour-
ses fully offered in English. In this way more “products” will 4. What about professional literature in English? Is it
be on the shelf ready to be taken by foreign students. This is available for students and where?
the necessary condition to draw foreign students’ attention Once more, as it was mentioned above, first of all the edu-
and to become international university. PUT has a good repu- cational materials are prepared by lecturers, that are valuable
tation among Polish universities of technology. However this for students studying in English. Academic staff propose bi-
is not enough to keep such reputation in the next 10 years. bliography in English. Our libraries are ready with some bo-
We have to internationalize our University if we want, and we oks, but the purchasing process is still in progress.
want, to be among leading European universities of techno-
logy. Our goal for 2020 is that every 20th student in PUT will 5. Should Polish students be afraid of studies in English?
be a foreigner. You can help us pressuring the deans of your (level of English, level of English for Specific Purposes).
faculty to start programs in English. Generally, students should take care about their studies.

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