Page 2 - 99GP_072012_dodatek
P. 2

Check your knowledge of scientific quotations.Match quotations and their eminent
authors. The correct answers are given below. GOOD LUCK!

1 Wherever smart people work, doors are unlocked. A Bill Gates
2 A scientific man ought to have no wishes, B Steve Wozniac
C Guglielmo Marconi
no affections,-a mere heart of stone. D Benjamin Franklin
E Albert Einstein
3 That’s one small step for a man, one giant leap F Galileo Galilei
for mankind. G Lord Kelvin
There is nothing new to be discovered in physics H Galileo Galilei
I Charles Darwin
4 now. All that remains is more and more precise J Neil Armstrong

5 All truths are easy to understand once they are
discovered, the point is to discover them.

6 Mathematics is the language in which God has
written the universe.

7 An investment in knowledge pays the best interest.
8 A question that sometimes drives me hazy:

am I or are the others crazy?

9 Every day sees humanity more victorious
in the struggle with space and time.

10 Intellectual property has the shelf life of a banana.

Key: 1.B, 2.I,3.J,4.G,5.F/H, 6.F/H, 7.D,8.E,9.C,10.A

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