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USA. For instance, Yale’s roots can be
traced back to 1640s when the idea of
preserving educational tradition in the
New World emerged. The Reverend Ele-
azar Wheelock, the founder of Dartmo-
uth, had originally aimed at educating
Native Americans (Moor's Charity School
in Lebanon, Connecticut).

The Ivy League American institutions of higher edu-
cation are widely considered as the
How important is the year 1636 in the history of the USA? world’s leaders in both innovation and
It was in that year that the first institution of higher educa- development, as well as educational
tion was founded in the Massachusetts Bay Colony, North opportunities. Surprising as it may se-
America. What was its name? You guessed! Harvard Col- em, it was Massachusetts that imposed
lege. Before the origin of the United States in 1776 nine requirements on towns with more than
colleges had been established in the colonies. Most of them 50 families to provide schools at public
became the future founders of the Ivy League which is in the expense, establishing the world’s first
northeastern geographic region of the United States. compulsory free schools in the late 17th
century (Stevenson, 1998). Most people
The term Ivy League, which implies su- nia (1740), Princeton (1746), Colum- dream of studying in the USA, admitting
perb academic level, high competitive- bia (1754), Brown University (1764), in unison that the best career oppor-
ness in admissions, and social elitism, Dartmouth (1769), and Cornell Univer- tunities are provided by American Uni-
was coined after the formation of the sity (1865). All of these universities have versities. Although the whole American
NCAA Division  I Athletic Conference in undergone a long and creative way to educational system is full of myths (i.e.
1954. It is now commonly used to refer become the symbols of American educa- the drawbacks of Affirmative Action),
to the group of 8 universities: Harvard, tional excellence and are ranked among serious misconceptions (i.e. spelling er-
Yale (1701), the University of Pennsylva- the most prestigious universities in the rors can be considered as the student’s
creativeness rather than laziness), and
false images, the universities are and will
prevail the source of success and self-re-

Aleksander Kubot, MA
Teacher of English,

Dept. of Modern Languages, PUT

Stevenson, D.K, American Life
and Institutions, Enrst Klett (1998)

Correction: it has come to our attention that there is a mistake in the quiz about politics from July.
The answer to the 8th question is C (Bill Clinton) and not D (Jimmy Carter). We apologize for the misleading information.
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